Boösaule Montes
Coordinates: 9.7S 271.1W
Area: 17904 km2
Lenght: 159.2 km
Width: 144.7 km
Type: Massif
Height (Stereo): 17.5 km
Height (Shadow): 18.2 km
Height (Limb): -
Height (Twilight): 4.01
Distance to Patera: 20 km
Deposits: -
Structures: scarp, debris slump
Images: i6-4100(a), 1639216(c), i7-2400(b), i8-9045(d), 1639016 (e), 1639118 (f), 1639120(g), 1639128 (h), 1639218 (i), 1639220 (j), i6-4100, i8-9045
Comment: Steep S scarp, may be landslide scar