Virtual Mars Globes

Argyre Planitia


Origin of name
"Silver" Island at mouth of Ganges River; present-day Arakan, Burma.
Név eredete
"Ezüst" sziget a Gangesz torkolatában

Geologic description and interpretation:
The floors of the Argyre and Hellas basins contain etched layered material that is probably thick sedimentary deposits from channels that once flowed into them. Argyre is unique, however, because Uzboi Vallis flowed out of the basin, implying overflow of a lake within the basin (sometimes called Argyre Lake). This makes it the largest impact basin on Mars with channels both draining into it and flowing out from it northward through Ladon Valles, Margaritifer Valles, through a predecessor to Ares Valles, and into Chryse Planitia. The sinuous ridges developed with the accumulating interior sediments and emanate from Surius Vallis, and are likely aqueous sedimentary structures, either lacustrine barriers or glacial eskers. [1]
Geológiai leírás és magyarázat:
Ősi becsapódási medence vastag üledékréteggel borítva mely egy ősi tóban rakódhatott le. Folyóvizek folytak bele délről és folytak ki belől észak felé. Belsejében elképzelhető, hogy ózok nyomai láthatók.
